
How Many Years is AC Good For

 Air conditioners are essential appliances that provide comfort in hot and humid weather. They are an investment for any homeowner, and like any other investment, they require maintenance and replacement when their lifespan is over. However, many people ask, "How many years is AC good for?" In this blog, we will explore the factors that affect an air conditioner's lifespan and an AC unit's average lifespan. Factors that Affect the Lifespan of an Air Conditioner Several factors can affect the lifespan of an air conditioner, including: Usage: The more frequently you use your air conditioner, the shorter its lifespan will be. It will likely wear out sooner if you use it for more than eight hours daily. Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to keep your air conditioner running smoothly. Neglecting maintenance can lead to problems such as clogged filters, leaks, and motor failure, which can shorten lifespan. Environment: The air conditioner's environment can al

Why Is My Furnace Running Constantly? Causes and Solutions

 Is your furnace running constantly? It's probably driving you crazy. But don't worry, you're not alone. Many homeowners have the same problem. In this post, we'll tell you what might be causing your furnace to run constantly and how to fix it. Stay tuned! The most common reasons a furnace runs constantly A constantly running furnace can be frustrating, but there are a few common reasons why this might happen. One possibility is that the furnace is too small for the space it is supposed to heat. If the furnace is too small, it will have to work harder to reach the desired temperature, which can cause it to run constantly. Another possibility is that the furnace filters are dirty. Dirty filters restrict airflow and cause the furnace to overwork itself. Finally, a furnace that runs constantly could be a sign of a more serious problem, such as a cracked heat exchanger. If you suspect your furnace is not running correctly, it's best to call a technician for  furnace rep

The Complete Guide to Eden Prairie AC Repair and How to Keep Your Home Cool in the Summer

 The most typical type of AC repair is replacing the air filter. A dirty air filter can cause your AC unit to work harder than it needs to, pushing up your energy bills and making your home less comfortable. Replacing the air filter is a simple fix that the homeowner can do. How Does an Air Conditioner Work? Air conditioners transfer heat from the inside of your home to the outside.  AC installation in Eden, Prairie , and other parts of the AC service area helps to maintain your house relaxed and comfortable during hot summer months. The process begins when the AC unit draws in warm air from your home. This air is then passed over a cooling coil, which removes the heat from the air. AC units also have a built-in dehumidifier, which helps to remove moisture from the air. By removing both heat and humidity, AC units provide a comfortable indoor environment during even the hottest days of summer. What are the Signs of a Bad AC Unit? Air conditioner repair in Eden Prairie  can be a dauntin

Have a Hissing Furnace? Here's What You Should Understand

 There are noises that your furnace will create that are regular. These can include a short amount of clicking and the whoosh of warm air being blown throughout the house. But what if that whoosh has a various undertone to it today? Something like a hiss? Don't mistake this for a regular noise; hissing is an annoyance. If your furnace has started hissing, you are better off bearing out to a skilled for a  furnace repair in Edina . There is more than one probable reason for this sound, and none is suitable. So plan repairs today to combat these furnace problems. What Is Hissing There is more than one probable cause for a hissing noise coming from a furnace. So let's consult what might make this noise. This way, you will understand why it is continually best to get help from an experienced ASAP when you see a hissing noise. The air filter is clogged : the air filter in your heater is clogged; you may hear hissing. You're hearing the sound of air pushing through a dense cloud